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TOV HETTY ASH #0134796 (Sweet Maple Royalson x Royalton Chantal) - 1995 - 2021

Brown Mare - 5-07-95 - Athletic, Excellent Bone, Conformation & Temperament. Very Typey, Beautiful Movement, Excellent Way Of Going, Half Sister To Paulina. Originally when I called on Paulina, I had no thoughts of purchasing two, but when I saw them on the tapes, I couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted more. So I took them both and I can't part with either. Hetty is sweet, sweet, sweet! An absolute love. She broke her pelvis in a pasture accident on ice in Feb. 1996. You would never know it to watch her move today, she hasn't lost that breath taking trot. I purchased her for her wonderful straight rear legs and trot. She did heal but Hetty's rear legs are no longer perfect.
Here is her pedigree, TOV Hetty Ash


(Quietude Westward x Morgandale Elizabeth) 6-03-2003 - Black Filly. Ebonie is a dream come true. My first Full Lippitt Black filly that I bred. She has a great temperament, bone, athletic ability and conformation. She & Diana are half sisters and resemble their dam, Morgandale Elizabeth. Ebonie did well at the WMLS show this June. It was her first show. She also has been shown under saddle.
Here is her pedigree: Rosewater Alert Ebonie

2nd Full Lippitt Mares/Geldings 3 & 4 yrs olds
1st Produce without Dam - Morgandale Elizabeth
1st Produce/Get of Grand-Dam or Grand-Sire - Royalton Muffinett
1st Morgan Farm Class

The Mares from Rosewater Farm. Left to right: Hannah, Ebonie, Diana.
Photo by Todd Brown - Vanishing Point Digital Design.

ROSEWATER HANNAH #0168097 (Motif Hill Marquisee x TOV Hetty Ash)5-27-2005

Brown Lippitt mare with star. Hannah is an excellent cross in Lippitt of Moro Hill & Royalton Bloodlines. She is light as a feather on her feet, has a lovely large eye, good type and conformation, plus a winning personality. She was Reserve Jr. Champion Full Lippitt Mare/Gelding at WMLS 2007. She is started under saddle and doing very well. She is quiet to ride, easy to handle and has a wonderful trot. My girlfriend road her all of 2012. Hannah can be yours for $5000.00. Click here for pedigree: Rosewater Hannah

ROSEWATER FINALE ROSE #075837 (Quietude Westward x TOV Hetty Ash) - 5-20-2007.

This beautiful chestnut is Westy's last foal. Rose is well bodied and just what Hetty produced in Hannah and our youngest foal Ashbrook. This mare is developing very nicely with good body type and a wonderful personality. View her pedigree here: Rosewater QW Finale Rose


(Chesterhill James Taylor x Morgandale Elizabeth) 5-30-01 - Half Lippitt Black Mare. I love this mare. She has excellent bone, long straight legs, a short pretty head with a big dish and a nice big eye. She is a full sister to Princess & Madison and is show and breeding quality. She is very athletic, she will be a big girl also. She is at 15.1+Hands and has been shown this summer. Here is her pedigree: Rosewater Diana Darling

With Amanda 2008

2009 IMBA show


2007 WMLS

Rosewater Diana Darling
Photo by Todd Brown - Vanishing Point Digital Design.

2nd Morgan Mares/Geldings 5-14
1st in Produce without Dam - Morgandale Elizabeth
1st Produce/Get of Grand-Dam or Grand-Sire - Royalton Muffinett
1st Morgan Farm Class
Reserve Morgan Sr. Champion Mares/Geldings

From the WMLS 2006

Diana with owner Julie Heise

ROSEWATER JULIE ANN J #0139227 (Ashmoro Canajoharie x Wachuset Leah Ash) 1996 - 2019

Photos by Julie Heise, 2002

Chestnut Mare - 5-16-96 - Athletic, Great Temperament, Bone, & Conformation. Should finish at 15+H. Typey, Excellent Movement, Has Her Sire's Way Of Going. Julie reminds me of her sire Joey with that suspension type movement. Her personality is divine, very loving. She is going to be a big mare and has great depth of body. We love to watch her float across the field. She was born one week after I lost my favorite mare Charm, and she was a joy, so big, she didn't stand straight for days on those long legs. She needed to unfold. Julie & our Moro looked so much alike, that Leah got confused as to who was who and nursed both babies. Julie gets better and better with age. Here is her pedigree: Rosewater Julie Ann J
Julie had the most adorable chestnut filly by Taylor in June, 2007, Jill can be seen on our sale page.

EASTDOWN GEORGIA TWILIGHT #0128134 - (Hillside Stoney Ash x Hillside Alert Misty) 1993 - 2017

This is Betty McDaniel riding Georgia before we purchased her from Betty & Nathan. Georgia is a big girl at 15.2 Hands. She is an excellent producing mare and related to our Morgandale Elizabeth. I love this Alert's Miss Muffet breeding.

WINDRISE CAMEO ROSE #0132885 (Motif Hill Marquisee x Shadlow's Quintana)- 1994 - 2016

This beautiful half Lippitt bay Morgan mare is the dam of Justin Taylor, Heather & Brittany. She is a well bodied mare and has the most lovely head and large eye you can imagine. This mare is sweet sweet and sweeter with a very kind attitude. Windrise Cameo Rose

This is the Cameo we always see, she is a sweet mare.


Photos from Sept-07

Jeff & Julie Heise ~ Watertown, WI 53098

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